
Policies and Regulations



AI-authorised institution 授权机构
AML-anti money laundering反洗钱
AMLU-anti money laundering unit反洗钱司
ARS-alternative remittance system 替代性汇款体系

BCCI-Bank of Credit and Commerce International国际商业信贷银行
BO- Banking ordinance银行业条例
Basel committee-巴赛尔银行监管委员会
Basel core principles- 巴赛尔银行监管委员会颁布的银行有效监管的核心原则

CDDR-customer due diligence requirements 客户尽职调查规定
CFT- countering the financing of terrorism 反恐融资
CSF- Comitato per la Sicurezza Finanziaria-committee for the emergency financial institutions 金融机构突发事件委员会
DIA- Direzione investigativa Antimafia-Investigative  department of Antimafia 打击有组织犯罪调查部

DNFBP- designated non-financial businesses and professions 特定非金融行业和职业
EHD- enhanced due diligence 强化的尽职调查
EU- European Uion 欧盟
FATF- Fiancial Action Task Force 金融行动特别工作组

FATF 40+9 recommendations- Fiancial Action Task Force Forty Recommendations on Money Laundering and Nine Special Recommendations on Terrorist Financing 金融行动特别工作组制定的反洗钱40项建议及反恐融资9项特别建议
FIU- financial intelligence unit 金融情报中心
FSA- Fiancial services Authority 金融服务局

HKMA- Hong Kong Monetary Authority 香港金融监管局
IAIS- International Association of Insurance Supervisors 国际保险监管者联合会
IFI- international financial institution 国际金融机构
IMF-International Monetary fund 国际货币基金

IOSCO- International Organization of Securities Commssions 国际证券监管委员会
IVTS- informal value transfer system 非正式资金转移体系

Methodology- Methodology for Assessing Compliance with the FATF 40 Recommendations and the FATF 9 Special Recommendations 金融行动特别工作组反洗钱40项建议及反恐融资9项特别建议合规性评估方法
MLD-money laundering directive 洗钱法令
MLRO- money laundering reporting officer 洗钱报告官
MOU-Memorandum of understanding 谅解备忘录

NCCT-non-complying countries and territories 不合作国家及地区
NPO-non-profit organisation 非盈利组织
Patriot Act- Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act 截获、阻止恐怖主义活动的爱国者法案
PEP-politically exposed person 政治敏感人物

ROSC- Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes 合规报告
SAR- suspicious activity report 可疑交易报告
STR-suspicious transaction report 可疑交易报告
UIC- Ufficio Italiano dei Cambi 意大利外汇管理局




